Platform: Holographic Projection Screen and EyeTribe
Timespan: 5 weeks (November – December 2014)
Role: Producer, Game Designer and Lead Programmer
Team: João Camacho, Laís Lopes, Lucilia Nóbrega, Guilherme Neves, Joana Morna, Cristina Freitas and Paulo Bala
Award: Winner at Student Game Design Competition (Innovative Interfaces category) at CHI 2015
Keyewai was developed over a period of 5 weeks for a Game Design Course in my Master of Entertainment Technology. Keyewai was designed to explore game design concepts applied to innovative interfaces. Additionally, we chose to develop a game that fosters cooperation between players, focusing on intimacy between players. Over the 5 week period, we developed a traditional board game and a digital counterpart based on the world of Keyewai, a wild and dangerous jungle island full of cannibals.
Keyewai: Hunt is a board game about plane crash survivors being hunted by a cannibal tribe, for 2 or 4 players. During the gameplay, 3 survivors need to find the radio pieces and bring them to the extraction point in hopes of being saved. Against them stand the Keyewei tribe chief and his ruthless army of cannibals. The opponent player must dispatch the cannibals and combat the survivors (who they see as a meal offered by the Gods).
Trough a rearrangeable game board, special tokens and character powers, this game forces the survivors to work together to defeat the much stronger cannibal tribe.
Keyewai:Last Meal
Keyewai: Last Meal is a digital game on a transparent surface for 2 players using eye tracking technology. Given this unusual setup, we explored game mechanics in a face-to-face interface and how eye gaze can be used in such interfaces to promote cooperation and social interaction. For example, each player controlled a flashlight through their gaze and had to work together to illuminate the environment around them and to interact with the natives.
This game was submitted to the CHI 2015’s Student Game Design Competition with the following article.
Keyewai: Looking at Cooperation in a Holographic Projection Screen Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 61–64, ACM, 2015.